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When you are struggling to keep up with your bills.

When debt puts you on the run.


We could help you:

  • Stop harassing colletion calls and letters.
  • Stop lawsuits, wage garnishments, and attachments to your bank accounts.
  • Stop eviction, foreclosure and repossession.
  • Save your home and business


You could get peace of mind today and make a fresh start with your finances. We don't just help our clients write their debt off. We also counsel them on how to avoid the same mistake, so that they don't have to be on the run again.

You deserve a legal team that lose sleep so that you may rest 

comfortably at nights. At Vivian M. Williams & Associates you will find a team that makes every effort to get your debt discharged and make the process as comfortable as it could be for you. All you have to do is call for a Free Consultation.

Call 212-618-1791

Bankruptcy could be stressful if you have the wrong attorney. You need an attorney that helps ease the stress and gets results.

We constantly strive to keep pace with the rapid changes in the field of bankruptcy to make sure that our clients always receive the prompt, accurate legal advice they need and deserve. You deserve an attorney that makes every effort to get your debt discharged and make the process as comfortable as it could for you. You focus on rebuilding and reorganizing your life and let us handle your creditors, and your debt burden. You don't have to hide from abusive creditors! Our success rate is very high.

When the chips are down we could be there just in time.