VMW LAW pursues a robust trademark practice. We can assist you in registering your trademark. Even before selecting and investing in a trademark we can help review the mark to determine whether it is entitled to trademark protection ir is likely to infringe the marks of others.
Various types of trademark protection are available. There are for insatnce:
Common Law Trademarks: Common law protection is obtained by the use of your trademark in commerce even without resgitering it. The protection however, limited to the geographic area that the mark is used in. Common law trademark is usually represented by the familiar "TM" symbol. In order to gain full protection of your mark you need to register it.
Registered Marks: A mark may be registered in a state or it may be federal government. Mark registered in a state a state are limited to the state they are registered in. Federal registeration gives the broadest and most extensive protection. It is usually the preferred registration for a business that does or intend to do business in more than one state. Federal registered trademark usually have the symbol ®.
Foreign Registration: Some times it is necessary to register your trade in other countries. This called international regsitration. This i necessary when a business transacts or intends to do business in other countries.
VMW LAW can help with any trademark registration.