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                                            OUR TRADEMARK SERVICES

*US Federal Trademark Registration  * Trademark Licensing & Franchising* Cease & Desist Letters 

·       * Domain name disputes                        * Trademark Litigation                       * International Registration

      CALL 212-618-1791

Our trademark attorneys are well qualified and experienced. The trademark department is technologically sophisticated and with competent. The firm trademark practice is broad. We counsel clients from diverse on matters, evaluate the strength of proposed names and symbols. We also assist in the acquisition of appropriate domain names and resolve disputes involving domain names. Our trademark attorneys practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, Federal and State courts. We also assist clients in negotiating licenses, assignments, purchases and sales.

                                    EXPERT TRADEMARK ANALYSIS IS IMPORTANT

Not just any trademark! Trademarks and service marks must be carefully selected and reviewed before they selected. The first point to note is NOT every word, phrase, or symbol is entitled to trademark protection. The vast majority of names, and symbols selcted by businesses are not entitled to trademark protcetion and are usually rejected by the U.S. Pantent and Trademark Office, the agency responsibile for approving and registering trademarks.

Also, some marks that are trademarkable may not be available for use by your business. using such a mark without first getting clearance would have grave consequences for a business. Consequences may include the shutting down of a thriving business, and very costly litigation. Failure to properly review a mark get clearance before using it may also result in the need to spend an exorbitant sum to obtaining secondary meaning of you trademark. Secondary meaning is usually required for marks that not trademarkable.

Before you select and begin using a trademark call VMW LAW and get the right assistance. A call could be the difference between a success and shutting down of thriving business.